GT Carpe Diem

Empowering student voice through the four steps to successful self-advocacy.

1Every brain needs a challenge.png
1discover options and create opportunities.png
1future changes in the system.png
1“The surest path to positive self-esteem is to succeed at something which one perceived would be difficult. Each time we steal a student’s struggle by insisting they do work too easy for them, we steal their opportun.png
What’s in a name?.png
1In order to grow.png
1There are many ways to be gifted and gifted people are not all alike..png
1Embrace the %22G%22 Word.png
1Wonderfully unique.png
1A state of flux..png
1an on-going, honest, factual dialogue.png
1Beyond the norm..png
1Choose to develop and use them.png
1Each day, in every community, at least one child is empowered by an adult who takes time to tend to the very real problems faced by the world. By allowing children a voice in seeking solutions, we show them that we r.png
1getting what they need.png
1Give a child a challenge.png
1grow toward autonomy.png
1Jean Peterson, 1998.png
1more than passive recipients.png
1Lisa Rivero 2010.png
1No boundaries.png
1No one knows better than they.png
1powerful predictor of positive outcomes.png
1Put the power for change.png
1require little or no effort..png
1Take the Lead.png
1The essence of our effort.png
1The goal in teaching self-advocacy.png
1They are well aware of their differences..png
1to them, not with them.png
1There is something you can do right.png
1Waiting . . ..png
1We see our own experiences reflected in those of our children and we want to save them, to let them know “It can be better tomorrow and I’ll work with you to make sure it is.”.png
1well aware that they are different.png
1who you are..png
Galbraith rights.png
Intrinsically rewarding work.png
see beyond label.png
Two types of knowledge.png
asynchronous development.png
delight and satisfaction in meaningful work.png
depends on how they ask.png
essential for outliers.png
timeless mosaic of “otherness.”.png
1Ann and Pam history.png
1Borland, 2 views.png
claim their right.png
“What’s in a Name?”.png
Piechowski. Pinch of salt.png
achieve eminence?.png
1one voice sounds like whining.png
two ways of looking at gifted ed.png
failing to plan.png
shoehorn gifted kids.png
Tomlinson “I would wish for each child at least one adult who helps the child.png
1Tip #1.png
Tip #2.png
Tip #3.png
Tip #4.png
Tip #5-2.png
Tip #6.png
Tip #7.png