GT Carpe Diem

Empowering student voice through the four steps to successful self-advocacy.

Big Heads

Just a couple thoughts in response to the misconception that 

“Teaching gifted kids to self-advocate won’t work because if we tell them they’re smart, they’ll just get big heads.”

  • Gifted kids already know they’re smart, but they frequently don’t know how to put that into perspective. That’s why it’s vital for them to take a close look at the whole concept of giftedness.

  • When they know what gifted is and isn’t, they realize that they can be better AT something than others, but that doesn’t make them better THAN others.

  • Interacting with like-ability peers helps them discover the great diversity of gifted kids - the wide range of interests, preferences, personalities, and experiences.

  • Assessing their personal learner profiles leads them to also think about areas that need improvement, sometimes a humbling experience!

All of which leads me to a sport analogy . . . Do you think it might be better if we didn’t tell gifted athletes that they are on the varsity basketball team? We wouldn’t want them to get big heads!