The Right to an Appropriate Educaton
Most school mission statements include phrases like . . .
“providing rigorous programming for all”
“including diverse educational opportunities”
“each individual can achieve optimum intellectual growth”
“encouraging everyone to see and be her personal best”
Sadly, many gifted teens don’t think this applies to them. They haven’t claimed their right to an education that is engaging and challenging and differentiated for their needs.
Students need to believe that asking for an appropriately challenging curriculum is not asking for more than they deserve.
According to the recent NAGC report, thirty-one states have some form of legal mandate related to gifted and talented education. Even here in Wisconsin, where virtually no state funds are devoted to gifted education, we have a statute that requires each public school board to “provide access to an appropriate program for pupils identified as gifted.”
Our children do have rights and knowing that empowers them to self-advocate.
You can download a copy of the NAGC Gifted Children's Bill of Rights.
Judy Galbraith in Gifted Kids Survival Guide puts it like this: You have the right to a rigorous education, which stretches your skills and thinking every day.
You have a right
to be in classes that are challenging and interesting
to know about giftedness and why you’re in or should be in an enriched or accelerated class
to make mistakes and “not do your best” if you feel like it
to be with other kids who really understand you
to be treated with respect by friends, teachers, and parents
to be different.
We have an obligation to assure that gifted kids understand their rights and use their voices to get what they need.